<text>------------------------------------------------What is StoryBoarder?------------------------------------------------StoryBoarder is a shareware HyperCard™ stack that helps you build storyboards for video, film, or multimedia production. Version 2 adds separate video and sound fields, and a button that prints out either storyboard pictures or a report that resembles a standard two-column video script; Version 2.1 has been modified for use with HyperCard 2.x.Note: this is the last shareware version; the next version of StoryBoarder will be a commercially released product with full color support, a choice of aspect ratios, and many other features to support professional film, video, and multimedia production. If you have suggestions for the new version, please send them to me via mail or the electronic mail addresses listed below.My thanks to all of you who sent in your ShareWare payments (and to those who send them in for this stack before January 31, 1992)—I will notify you of a special upgrade discount when StoryBoarder Pro is released.You’ll find an explanation of the shareware fee below; following that, help on how to use the stack; and at the end of this field, information about the author.------------------------------------------------Coyright and Shareware Information------------------------------------------------StoryBoarder is @1989-1991 by Steven L. Nelson, all rights reserved, and may not be modified or distributed in any form without the express permission of the author. (GEnie, Compuserve, and other electronic bulletin boards, as well as private individuals, may distribute StoryBoarder as long as it is in its original, unmodified state, and no money is charged for the stack).StoryBoarder is shareware, which means if you use it, please send $15 ($20 if you would like the latest version on disk) to :Steve Nelson340 Townsend St, Suite 510San Francisco, CA 94107Your shareware registration entitles you to the password that lets you modify StoryBoarder for your personal use.Note: I have moved several times in the past two years, and my mail has not always been correctly forwarded from addresses listed in previous versions of this stack. The new address in this stack is a permanent office, which should eliminate this problem. If you have sent payment in the past and have heard nothing back, please accept my apologies, and send me a letter telling when and where you sent the payment.------------------------------------------------Using StoryBoarder------------------------------------------------To create a set of storyboards for a project, first save a copy of StoryBoarder under a new name by clicking the second button below (you will see the standard Save a Copy dialog). Type a new name, click “OK”, then Open the copy. To begin creating your storyboards, click the slate icon (third button below) to go to the storyboard background.Click the “Draw” button to draw a picture if you like, then type the video description in the left-hand field below the drawing, and the sound description in the right-hand field. You can enter other information about the shot in the fields to the right of the drawing.When you are ready to create to the next shot, click the “Add Storyboard” button (see storyboard button descriptions below) to create a new card. Keep going until you have created cards for all of your shots. To change the order of shots, use the “Cut Card” and“Paste Card” commands. You can also use the marquee to copy drawings from storyboard to storyboard, or from the Scrapbook and other DAs.When you are ready to print your storyboards or script, click the “Print” button (fourth button below) and choose either a storyboard or two-column script printout from the dialog you see. (Note that you can always return to this card by clicking the up arrow button, by pressing Command-1, or by choosing “First” from the “Go” menu.)You can also choose “Print Stack” or “Print Report” from the menus on any card and create your own custom printouts. By carefully selecting print options, you can produce some rather effective presentations.------------------------------------------------StoryBoarder’s Buttons------------------------------------------------The storyboard cards contain nine buttons:In the first row, from left to right, are:•“Rewind” (go to first storyboard card).•“Backward” (go to the previous storyboard card)•“Return to Top” (go to the first card in the stack—the one you’re at now)•“Forward” (go to the next storyboard card)•“Fast Forward” (go to the last storyboard card). Holding down the option key while clicking this button will cause all cards to flash by quickly, in order, beginning with the current card. Click the mouse to stop this display.In the second row, from left to right, are:•“Draw” (show the tool palette and select the brush tool so you can draw a picture on the storyboard). Note that HyperCard doesn’t allow you to click buttons or enter text in fields as long as a drawing tool is selected. When you are finished drawing, click the browse (hand) tool and you will return to normal operation (optionally, click the close box of the tool palette to hide it).•“Erase” (erase the picture on the storyboard). You will be asked to confirm this unless you hold down the option key when you click the button.•“Add Storyboard” (create a new storyboard card immediately after the current card). If you hold down the option key when you click this button, and there is a number in the “Shot” field, the new card will automatically be given the next consecutive shot number.•“Delete Storyboard” (delete the current storyboard card). You will be asked to confirm the deletion, since it cannot be undone.------------------------------------------------About the Author------------------------------------------------I am a multimedia and database consultant specializing in custom authoring systems, QuickTime development, and CD-ROM production.. For more information on my consulting services, please contact me at the above address, call me at (415) 777-1479, or send me electronic mail at any of the following addresses:Compuserve: 76367,2334GEnie: SLNELSONAmerica Online: SLNELSONAppleLink S.NELSONv2.11 (12/20/91)</text>
<script>on openCardlock screenshow card field "theTitle"unlock screen with dissolveend openCard</script>